St John’s Kids & Families, 6 March 2022

St John’s Kids & Families, 6 March 2022


The season of Lent began on Wednesday. This is a time of reflection and preparation in the lead up to Easter.

From the perspective of anyone who does not know the whole story of Jesus, particularly children, it may seem like we have only just celebrated the birth of the baby Jesus, and next thing you know, the baby is grown into an adult and is being killed!

So, this period is a special opportunity to spend time together and make the transition from Christmas to Easter.

You may like to engage with some of the following:

Family Devotions

Fasting or Feasting

If you have made the decision to take up last week’s post suggestion of giving something up or taking something up during Lent, check out these Fasting or Feasting Ideas. If you do fast/feast, have an ongoing discussion about what it is like: Have you missed the thing(s) you chose to give up? Is it harder than you thought? What do you think God is teaching you? What have you learnt about God?

Giving is also a focus of Lent.

  • If giving regularly to the work of the church is not part of your current practice, it’s a great time to consider committing to that discipline as a family.
  • If you’ve fasted from something that has a monetary cost, consider making a donation to a charity close to your family’s heart.
  • This Lent Giving Calendar is a fun and visual way to encourage generosity. (You’ll need to adapt from US terms: Nickel = 5c / Dime = 10c / Quarter = 50c or rework the amounts suitable for the age of your kids.)


Have a great week,

Kylie – Children & Families’ Minister



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