St John’s Kids & Families, 29 Aug 2021

St John’s Kids & Families, 29 Aug 2021

St John’s Kids Online Sessions, Sunday 29 August

9:00 – 9:25am Kinder/Prep/1/2

9:30 – 9:55am Grades 3/4/5/6

Join here. If prompted, Meeting ID: 870 1575 6167 / Passcode: 935256

Note: If you join early, prepare to be in the ‘waiting room’ before being admitted.

We strive to create safe environments for children to come to know and experience the love of Jesus. Each online session will have two adult leaders and we encourage in-room parental supervision, particularly for younger children. If you would like the option of leaving your child(ren) unsupervised in our online sessions, you must complete a permission form, if you haven’t previously done so.



Join our livestream service at 10am or 5pm.

If you would like to keep young hands busy while listening to the talk, these activity sheets are related to this week’s bible passage, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.

After the 10am service there will be a Zoom get-together, open to all, to chat and reconnect. Join here. If prompted, Meeting ID: 833 565 287 / Passcode: SJDC


Family Discipleship:

The talk topic in our services this week is The Church Is … the Body of Christ.

The Body of Christ is a concept that is addressed multiple times in the New Testament and is both important and fun to illustrate. Kids can identify with body parts and with the idea of teamwork. Describing the church as a body of believers reminds kids that we all have a job to do and a part to play.

Undertake a few of these CHALLENGES one day this week:

  • Put on a costume or dress up clothes, with your eyes closed
  • Race across the yard/room, using no legs
  • Write your name or draw a face, without using your hands
  • Peel a banana, using only one hand
  • Eat a bowl of ice cream/yoghurt, without using your hands
  • Make up your own limited-body-part challenges

DISCUSS what was easiest and hardest about these challenges.

God made each of the parts of our bodies to work together and each part of our body is very important. As soon as you are limited (by a fun challenge, a broken limb, illness, etc.) it makes everything harder.

READ 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.

Paul describes God’s church like a body. Each of us make up a part of that body. God gives each one of us different strengths, talents, and gifts to use to serve each other. None of us are good at doing everything … that’s why we all need each other. And everyone has a role to play, no matter how young or old we are, or how ordinary we feel, or how many mistakes we make.


  • Are the people who stand up the front of church more important than those who don’t? (No, every person has an important role to play)
  • Can you think of people who don’t get noticed as much? (those who pray with others after the service, those serving in the kitchen, those who clean or mow or undertake other maintenance, those behind the camera of our digital services … etc.)
  • What does God want us to think about the part these people are playing in the church? (He wants us to treat these people with respect and thanks)
  • What are you good at or enjoy doing? How might those things be used to serve others and to grow God’s kingdom?


Thank God for the strengths, talents, and gifts he has given you. Ask him to help you identify ways they can be used to serve him and others. Ask him to help us all to be willing to work together to help grow his church.


Have a great week,

Kylie – Children & Families’ Minister



St John’s is committed to Child Safety and welcomes your feedback on how we can keep improving.



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