St John’s Kids Online Sessions, Sunday 5 September
9:00 – 9:25am Kinder/Prep/1/2
9:30 – 9:55am Grades 3/4/5/6
Join here. If prompted, Meeting ID: 870 1575 6167 / Passcode: 935256
Note: If you join early, prepare to be in the ‘waiting room’ before being admitted.
We strive to create safe environments for children to come to know and experience the love of Jesus. Each online session will have two adult leaders and we encourage in-room parental supervision, particularly for younger children. If you would like the option of leaving your child(ren) unsupervised in our online sessions, you must complete a permission form, if you haven’t previously done so.
Join our livestream service at 10am or 5pm.
Activity sheets, if needed, to keep young hands busy while listening to the talk:
- Father’s Day Colouring 1, 2
- John 17:13-26 Colouring 1, 2
- John 17:13-26 Crossword, Fill the Blanks, Word Search
After the 10am service there will be a Zoom get-together, open to all, to chat and reconnect. Join here. If prompted, Meeting ID: 833 565 287 / Passcode: SJDC
The 5pm livestream will start at 4:45pm with some fun before the service begins.
Family Discipleship:
The talk topic in our services this week is The Church Is … sent by Jesus
Sometime this week, READ John 17:13-26 together
Jesus prayed for his disciples and for all believers to come … which includes us today!
As part of that prayer, Jesus said that just as he was sent by God into the world, so he has sent his believers into the world to make known God’s love and grace to others. He also mentions that although Christians are in the world they are not of the world.
Fun ACTIVITY to illustrate this point:
- Fill a clear bottle or jar approx. 1/3 full of water
- Add some bright food colour
- Add oil (e.g. vegetable or olive oil) so the container is 2/3 full
- Secure well with lid
Point out to your kids that, initially, the oil floats on the water. Then shake vigorously. The oil and water appear to become one. Have they really become one? Let it stand for a brief time and observe the oil and water separating again.
This paints a picture of what Jesus wants us to be like. The oil and water are in the same container together but do not blend to become one. We live in the world, but we are not to adopt all the same behaviour and practices of those around us – we need to be ever mindful of the way God wants us to live and not do everything that others may do.
LOOK for ‘evidence’ to prove who you are. You may have birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports, etc. They prove who you are in a worldly sense, but how do people know you are a Christian? We prove that we are followers of Jesus when we show his love to others. Discuss ways you can do that this week.
PRAY together, asking God to help us, as we live in this world, to remain faithful to his call to be separate from the world. And, as today is Father’s Day, give special thanks to God for all the father-figures in your life. This may include biological fathers, adoptive dads, step-dads, foster parents, grandpas, and other significant male role models and mentors.
Have a great week,
Kylie – Children & Families’ Minister
St John’s is committed to Child Safety and welcomes your feedback on how we can keep improving.
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