St John’s Trivia Night
FREE event – Saturday 9 October, 7:00pm – ALL WELCOME
Wide variety of topics with multiple choice answers, suitable for all ages and interests. Who will take out the bragging rights for St John’s Trivia Champion? One of our St John’s Kids families perhaps!
You need only book one ticket per participating team device, i.e. one ticket per household, unless you wish to compete against each other using separate devices! You will be emailed the Zoom link and other game details once registered.
St John’s Kids Online Sessions
Zoom sessions will resume on Sunday 10 October.
See next week’s blog post for all the details.
Services, Sunday 1 October
Join our livestream service at 10am or 5pm.
If you would like to keep young hands busy while listening to the talk, these activity sheets are related to this week’s reading, Luke 18:9-14
- Colouring 1, 2
- Crossword
- Decoder
- Fill the Blanks
- Word Search
Family Discipleship
This segment is intended to be activities/conversation starters parents can incorporate into everyday routine, e.g. at mealtime or bedtime (not as an extra thing you need to add to your already busy schedules) to help make engaging in ‘God stuff’ with their kids part of everyday life, not just for Sundays.
Over recent weeks, we have looked at simple, bold and persistent prayer. Today, the focus is on humble prayer.
ASK your child if they know what being humble means. (Being modest and not thinking ourselves better or more important than others.) What’s the opposite of humble? (Being proud, boastful, full of self-importance.)
READ Luke 18:9-14 together and/or watch …
EXPLAIN that Jesus told stories (parables) to teach people, both then and now, about God and how he wants us to live. Jesus told this story about a Pharisee (a religious leader) and a Tax Collector. Background: Tax collectors were usually Jews who worked for the Romans, the invaders of Israel. People resented paying taxes to their foreign rulers, and the collectors often made matters worse by charging more than what was due, to line their own pockets, so they were seen as traitors and sinners.
- How did the Pharisee feel about the tax collector? (He looked down on him.)
- How did the tax collector feel about himself? (He was sorry for his sins.)
- Why did the Pharisee think he was so good? (He didn’t think he sinned, he was in the habit of fasting and he gave money to the temple.)
- What was the Pharisee thankful for? (That he was not a sinner like those around him.)
- What did the tax collector ask of God? (He knew he had done wrong and asked for forgiveness.)
- Which one do you think offered the most genuine prayer? Why?
- How did God feel about the Pharisee? (God was not pleased with his self-righteous attitude.)
- How did God feel about the tax collector? (He forgave him because of his repentant attitude.)
- Do you ever think you are better than other people? When?
REASSURE your child that there is nothing wrong in being proud of doing something well. We all get excited about achieving something, particularly if it’s something we’ve worked hard towards, and it’s natural to want to share that with others. But we need to be careful not to hurt the feelings of others when we do so, or in becoming so proud of our achievements that we think we have done them in our own strength. This neglects the importance of God’s work in our lives.
PRAY together: When we pray, we should humbly focus on God. Acknowledge that all the good things in our life, including our accomplishments, come from God, and give him thanks. We also need to remember that we are all imperfect, no one is better than anyone else, and pray for God’s grace and forgiveness to be saved from sin.
Have a great week,
Kylie – Children & Families’ Minister
St John’s is committed to Child Safety and welcomes your feedback on how we can keep improving.
Image Credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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