St John’s Creche Discipleship Resources

St John’s Creche Discipleship Resources

Hey Lovely families of St John’s and those visiting our Creche!

At St John’s we believe discipleship starts as soon as parenting starts and are here to support your family unit to teach your young people about the God who created, who loves, who is present, and who saves! Each term we have put together a selection of books, toys, loose parts play, craft, colouring and other activities all based around a theme from God’s Word to help engage in age-appropriate discipleship with our youngest! Download the Creche Guide for this term below to help you find some of the resources we have collected or provided for you to enjoy with your children and any other families present that may like to join in! 

This term we are looking at the theme of

Jesus is God’s Son

“When all the people were being baptised by John, Jesus also was baptised. While Jesus was praying, heaven opened and the Holy Spirit came down on him. The Spirit was in the form of a dove. Then a voice came from heaven and said, “You are my Son and I love you. I am very pleased with you.”
Luke 3:21-22

St John’s Creche Discipleship Resources T1 2025

As you engage with our Creche resources please let us know any feedback about ways or ideas that can support and enhance your time here! Our Generations Minister, Maddy would love to connect with you! Head to our connect card on the info hub or you can send an email to

During Maddy’s maternity leave, please come and chat with Charlotte who will be in Toddler Time from Feb-July or Tania our Children’s Ministry Coordinator (