Sunday at 6 is back on this week!

Sunday at 6 is back on this week!

Hey Parents,

Sunday at 6 is back on this week, 6 pm, Sunday, 12th January. We hope you have had a great Christmas and New Year, we look forward to all being back together this Sunday.

Good news everybody! You can register for our 2020 Camp Crave right now!

Camp Crave is for students in years 7-12 (or equivalent) over the Labour Day long weekend, March 6-8. It’s a great few days of outdoor activities, teaching and relationship building. It’s also a great opportunity to grow in your understanding of God, ask those questions you’ve always wanted to ask and make friends that will last you for decades.

Previous camps have been rated a whopping 9/10 by campers. That’s pretty high.

Click here to register and find everything you need to know.

Have a great week,

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