As Megan delivers her final talk at St John’s after filling in during Tim’s leave, she shows off her Latin vocabulary and looks at the phrase sub specie aeternitatis, meaning “from the perspective of eternity”. Peter uses this section of his letter to first-century Christians to lift our eyes to the reality of eternity – the present reality of suffering can make our lives difficult, but we must live in the light of eternity and things to come.
Peter writes about ways people in the first century lived in the day-to-day, debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, detestable wild living – and while they might not be a part of our day-to-day focus, there are still signs of living for today. If time is short, maximising the amount of pleasure in your life might be making sure you have the best clothes, that your money is secure, that your own personal success is guaranteed. Having the perspective of God, from an eternal point of view, can help us persevere the storm, knowing that there is a connection to eternity.