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The Early Years of Jesus – Lost in the City
Our latest sermon in our series on ‘the early years’ of Jesus jumps to the last episode in Luke before we see Jesus as an adult. At age 12 Jesus leaves his parents to go and learn in the Temple. This shows us the growing self-understanding of Jesus, his knowledge of God as his Father, and the call to for us to take the next step onward in our personal knowledge of God. Andrew Bowles speaks from Luke 2:41-52.
The Early Years of Jesus – Growing in Wisdom
Our third sermon in our series on ‘The Early Years of Jesus’ considers what it meant for Jesus to grow in wisdom as he grew up as a boy. What can we learn from him about how Christian wisdom is acquired? Delle Matthews considers Luke 2:36-40, the story of Anna in the temple with Jesus and his parents.
The Early Years of Jesus – Presented in the Temple
Our second look at the ‘origin story’ of Jesus comes in Luke 2:22-35 when Mary and Joseph took him to the Temple as a baby, and met with the prophet Simeon. This story shows us the deeper meaning of the humanity of the Son of God.
The Early Years of Jesus – Named & Circumcised
This month we think about the stories of the childhood of Jesus. We start with the story of the circumcision and naming of Jesus in Luke 2:15-21, and how it shows the destiny of Jesus as the Saviour of God’s people.
Christmas Eve 2017 – The Wait is Over
On Christmas Eve, Tim Johnson reminds us that while the world is still not all as it should be, because of the birth of Jesus we are no longer waiting for God to act to bring salvation and justice to us.
White (space) Christmas – Love All
In our final sermon in the series on ‘White (space) Christmas’, Jeremy Watson considers how we can relate to others in a way that reflects the true spirit of Christmas. We look at Philippians 2:1-11 and the sacrificial humility of Jesus.
White (space) Christmas – Give More
Our third topic in the ‘White (space) Christmas’ series is ‘Give More’. How can we be truly generous at Christmas, a time that demands so much from us already? We find help in the story of the birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25), who was ‘God with us’, the greatest gift ever given.
White (space) Christmas – Spend Less
This week in the lead up to Christmas we consider the greatest threat to ‘white space’ at this time of year – the demands of spending and keeping up with the obligations of the festive season. This can reveal to us our ’slavery’ to money and its place in our lives.
White (space) Christmas – Worship Fully
In our month leading up to Christmas, we are thinking about how we can celebrate this season in a way that honours the meaning of Jesus’s birth. Tim Johnson looks at why we need to create ‘white space’ in order to see what is important, and how to focus on worshipping Jesus in our whole lives.

Keep Calm & Carry On – Pass on the Gospel
In this second in our series on 2 Timothy (from 2:1-13), Kirk Mackenzie considers the importance of passing on the Gospel, and how we can do this more effectively.

Keep Calm & Carry On – Not Ashamed
Our new series is on 2 Timothy, and Paul’s encouragement to Timothy to persevere in living out and spreading the Gospel. Tim Johnson starts at 2 Timothy 1:1-18, looking at why Christians need not be ashamed of the good news of Jesus.

Rebuild – Opposition and Success
Our final engagement with the story of Nehemiah (chapters 4-6) looks at his experience of opposition to the work that God has asked him to do. What does this tell us about the difficulties of following Jesus and growing in our spiritual lives?

Rebuild – A Job for Everyone
This part of the story of Nehemiah is about the rebuilding of the gates of Jerusalem. We learn here about the meaning this can have for us, as we contemplate the ‘ruins’ in our lives and our world, and God’s plans to make us part of his rebuilding effort.

Rebuild – A City in Ruins
Our reflection this holidays on the story of Nehemiah begins with Nehemiah chapter 2, where as the cupbearer to the King, Nehemiah is faced with the challenge of how to be courageous enough to stand up for his people and their home city of Jerusalem.

For the archive of talks, head to We will slowly migrate all talks to our current website.