The Early Years of Jesus
The Early Years of Jesus – Jesus’ Baptism
For our final sermon in the ‘Early Years of Jesus’ series, Kirk Mackenzie looks at Luke 3:21-22, the short but significant story of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. This story shows us more about who Jesus was, and how we can understand our own relationship to God the Father.
The Early Years of Jesus – Lost in the City
Our latest sermon in our series on ‘the early years’ of Jesus jumps to the last episode in Luke before we see Jesus as an adult. At age 12 Jesus leaves his parents to go and learn in the Temple. This shows us the growing self-understanding of Jesus, his knowledge of God as his Father, and the call to for us to take the next step onward in our personal knowledge of God. Andrew Bowles speaks from Luke 2:41-52.
The Early Years of Jesus – Growing in Wisdom
Our third sermon in our series on ‘The Early Years of Jesus’ considers what it meant for Jesus to grow in wisdom as he grew up as a boy. What can we learn from him about how Christian wisdom is acquired? Delle Matthews considers Luke 2:36-40, the story of Anna in the temple with Jesus and his parents.
The Early Years of Jesus – Presented in the Temple
Our second look at the ‘origin story’ of Jesus comes in Luke 2:22-35 when Mary and Joseph took him to the Temple as a baby, and met with the prophet Simeon. This story shows us the deeper meaning of the humanity of the Son of God.
The Early Years of Jesus – Named & Circumcised
This month we think about the stories of the childhood of Jesus. We start with the story of the circumcision and naming of Jesus in Luke 2:15-21, and how it shows the destiny of Jesus as the Saviour of God’s people.