Songs of Joy
Pleasure vs Joy || Songs of Joy || Psalm 97
Psalm 97 has a lot to say about joy. But what is joy? How is it different to pleasure? Kirk wraps up our series Songs of Joy, looking at the differences between joy and pleasure.
A Lifestyle of Praise || Songs of Joy || Psalm 96
Praising God is something that can feel easy when everything is going our way – but what happens when life throws challenges in our path? Julie gives us four reasons to praise God in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in.
Good Posture || Songs of Joy || Psalm 95
We had to learn heaps in 2020. From coughing into your elbow to scanning QR codes, there was lots of change. As we get back to some level of normality and we get to do things again (outbreaks notwithstanding), there’s a sense of joy.
This new series l…