Talks on John
I Believe in the Holy Spirit || Joel Snibson || John 14:15-27
Filled with the Holy Spirit, we’re empowered for mission – to know Jesus and make Jesus known. The Spirit gives us gifts to carry out this mission, and fruits within us to bear witness to the world. For more on the Holy Spirit, including the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, we’ve had a couple of series’ over the years. The 2019 series includes a couple of bonus episodes in addition to talks, including a Q&A. Go deeper into who…
Jesus IS the Good Shepherd || The Good Shepherd || John 10:1-18
The big reveal!
Okay, if you’ve been following the series it probably isn’t a shock: Jesus is the Good Shepherd promised throughout the Bible.
What makes him so good though?
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The Church Is Sent By Jesus || John 17 13 26
We’re experiencing a lot of change at the moment, both at St John’s and in our wider society, so it’s good to get back to the basics of what the church is.
In this series, we’ll be looking at three fundamental truths of our identity as a church; this…
Easter Explorations || Kirk Mackenzie || John 20:24-29
During the school holidays, we spend time asking questions about stories about Jesus or that Jesus told.
This week, Kirk thinks about “Doubting Thomas” and his interaction with the risen Jesus.
Easter Explorations || Julie Blinco || John 20:19-23
During the school holidays, we spend time asking questions about stories about Jesus or that Jesus told.
Join Julie as she looks at Jesus appearing to the disciples just after Easter.
Easter Sunday || Kirk Mackenzie || John 20:1-18
Easter Sunday – and Jesus’ resurrection – elevates the Easter story from a nice tale of sacrifice, to a world-changing event with implications for everyone everywhere.
Fishing with Jesus || Summer Stories || John 21:1-14
Julie leads us through a story about Jesus – a story of Jesus appearing to his followers after his death and resurrection and helping them find a haul of fish.
What stands out to you in this story from John 21?
What do you like about this story?
What …
Be Skeptical || Spirit of Truth || 1 John 4:1-6
In this weeks sermon, Tim Johnson covers how we, as Christians, need to be skeptical of bad spirits, and compare their messages to both the holy spirit and the holy bible.
Who’s Mission Is It Anyway? || Spirit of Truth || John 15:26-16:11
As a church we have a mission; know Jesus and make Jesus known, but who’s responsible for achieving that mission? In this weeks sermon, Tim dives into John chapters 15 and 16, and has a look at how the Holy Spirit, AKA the Advocate, lives within all of…
Spiritual Learning || Spirit of Truth || John 14:25-31
Do you hate exams? Yeah, Kirk does too. They create unnecessary stress and pressure, and we generally just don’t want them in our lives. You can feel like you push unhelpful information into your brain, while pushing actual helpful info out the other s…
I am a Free Person || Who Am I? || John 8:31-36
I’ve got to break free, I’ve got to break free! – Queen, I Want To Break Free
‘Cause I need freedom now and I need to know how, to live my life as it’s meant to be – Mumford and Sons, The Cave
So what is freedom? What does it mean to break free? Is fre…
Strangers || Feed My Sheep || John 21:15-19
We’ve all got stories of times we’ve failed in our lives. Whether it’s leaving the Salmon out of a Salmon Tortilla, or leaving $200 in cash in an ATM. Tim looks at the failure of Peter, one of the key leaders of the early church, when he denies knowing Jesus three times just as Jesus is arrested and crucified. Jesus knows our failures, he isn’t surprised by them, or unaware of them: he knows everything we’ve done in our lives. BUT Jesus knows about these failures, and forgives Peter, just as he forgives us, giving Peter a new life, with new purpose.
This biography of Peter’s failure and life serves as an introduction to our new series, Strangers Far From Home, looking through the book of 1 Peter, an open letter written by Peter to believers scattered throughout the world.
If you don’t have much experience of church, or Jesus, this talk is for you.
Kirk shares some stories about how he came to be standing up talking about Jesus to people, his experiences around Christianity and how he came to follow Jesus.
This episode features a clip from The I.T. Crowd. The I.T. Crowd is ©Channel 4 2006-2013
The Resurrection of Jesus – Fishermen
Jesus’ resurrection is real. Jesus’ resurrection is miraculous. Jesus’ resurrection is about relationship.
Tim takes a look at John 21:1-14, and the third time the resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples. In this somewhat ordinary time, the disciples go fishing, and then have breakfast with Jesus. But this simple story shows us somewhat profoundly what the resurrection of Jesus is about.
If Jesus is really risen from the dead, and if he is really with us now, what would you say to him? Maybe you’d say, “Jesus, I do believe you rose from the dead, and I want to start following you.”, or maybe you’d say “Jesus, I don’t know if you’re real or not, but if you are, show me!”, or if you’re already a follower of Jesus, you’d ask him for help with something you’re struggling with, or you’d thank him for something great in your life.
Jesus is alive. The resurrection isn […]
The Resurrection of Jesus – Transformation
After Easter, Jesus hung around for a while. This mini-series follows the Resurrected Jesus as he meets with his disciples and transforms their lives. Sam begins our series looking at how Jesus took the fear of the disciples, and turned it into peace a…
By His Wounds We Are Healed
Jesus is risen! Easter Sunday celebrates the new life we have in Jesus; but to get to that new life, Jesus had to be broken. This revelation of the resurrection was first encountered by Mary Magdalene, and Simon Peter. In this talk, Julie looks at the …
Follow Me
In the fourth instalment of our Look at Jesus series, senior minister Tim Johnson explores the social connections we form with people of different faiths and the negative stigma around the Christian faith as he challenges us to always be ready to defen…
Come and See
This week, Delle Matthews continues our Look at Jesus series by following John the Baptist and his disciples as they follow Jesus.
The Bible reading comes from John 1:35-42
Lamb of God
Our Look at Jesus series continues with Kirk exploring why John the Baptist would call Jesus the “Lamb of God”. What the heck does that mean? Kirk refers to the bible, John 1:29:34.
Who are you?
In her first sermon at St John’s, Robyn Delbridge kicks off our new series, Look at Jesus, picking up where our Christmas series left off, in the book of John. We meet John the Baptist, who is telling everyone he can about Jesus, who is about to start his public ministry. When asked by the religious leaders, John makes it clear that he isn’t the be all and end all, and that soon, someone even greater will be them.
The reference for this talk is John 1:19-28.
The Full Story of Christmas
At our 11pm Candlelit Christmas Eve service, Kirk shares a reflection of zooming out from the Christmas story, to remember to look at the full life of Jesus, and to remember that the baby in a manger lived, died and was brought back to life, all for us…
Jesus and the Spirit #3
The finale of our series, Jesus and the Spirit. Kirk looks at truth, fake news, and how we can be guided by the Spirit into all truth.
Jesus and the Spirit #2
The truth is sometimes hard to hear. Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as an advocate, which Kirk spoke about last week, and the Spirit of Truth. What does that mean for us? Sam explores this idea in the second of our Jesus and the Spirit series.
Dealing With Sin
The beginning of a new series in our morning services, Tim Johnson looks at the start of a letter written by John, one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. John wrote this letter as someone who was there with Jesus, who had seen him, and heard what he had to say. The letter is not an intellectual exercise, and the truth of God shapes the way we live. Our challenge is to walk in the light of God, rather than to persist…
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