'plantroom' Tagged Posts
A big week ahead!
Hey Parents, This week we have a few things to look forward to: Our youth event: Diamo Scavenger Hunt, is THIS FRIDAY! For more information and to RSVP click here. This week we will be having another Come and See themed service. This means it’s excellent for inviting friends to as we’ll focus both services on being friendly to non-church people, especially in our teaching. Once a month a bunch of Christians in our area get together for a time of worship.…
Youth Event: Youth Unite Spring – THIS FRIDAY!
Hey Parents, Youth Unite Spring is this Friday! This is a chance for our youth to join youth from churches in our area for a time of worship, games, hanging out and learning more about God! Details: Friday 26th October Meet at St Johns 6.30 pm (we’ll then car-pool to Mill Park Baptist Church) Pick up St Johns 10 pm $5 entry Please RSVP here. Also, once a month a bunch of Christians in our area get together for a time of worship. The next Plantroom…