'Leaders' Tagged Posts
You can help bless our Youth Leaders
Dear Parents, This year our Youth Unite team have planned an extra event just for youth leaders. Leaders volunteer so much of their time and energy to serve our young people and their families, that we wanted to do something special to thank them. We also want to help churches better equip their leaders for ministry and to provide opportunities for them to interact with leaders from other churches. So, on April 5th we will be holding a Leadership Dinner…
Still looking for some help on June 29
G’day Parents, Recently I wrote asking if you might be able to help bless some local youth leaders on the night of June 29. If you missed it, or want to help but haven’t let us know, please click here to get the details and fill in the online form. Any help you can offer will help make it a great night for our hard working volunteers. Text messages went out today to those who have registered for this Friday’s…
New Volunteer Leadership Team
Thanks to everyone who came along to the AGM on Wednesday night. It was great to reflect on the past year and to thank God for providing for us. It was also good to think about the year ahead, to make plans about how we will resource our ministry, and to elect leaders for our church. The following people will lead us over the coming year: Parish Council The highest decision-making body within the church, they are responsible for overseeing…
Youth Event: Epic Board Games
G’day parents, We’ve got our final Friday night event coming up in just under two weeks. Here’s the details: Board games are fun but not always epic. Forget Snakes and Ladders, forget Monoply, we’re going way more hardcore than that. Plus: food and friendly people! This event will run from 6-10pm on Friday the 10th of November. We’ll confirm the location closer to the date when we have a good idea of numbers. It will be in Diamond Creek or…