'5pm' Tagged Posts
5pm Activities – Nov 26
G’day Parents, Sometimes we run some fun times before the service on a Sunday. This week we run our last for the year. Like the recent youth event, it’s games based, but not epic like the youth event because we only have an hour. There’ll be a bunch of short-and-sharp games to play that we hope will bring some fun social time to everyone who attends. Details? It’s at 5pm. It’s free. Just turn up and have fun 🙂 Click…
Classic Youth Games – July 16
G’day Parents, First up, I’m about to go on leave for a few days so there will be no post from me next week. However, I’m back on Sunday 16th for our 5pm CLASSIC YOUTH GAMES. This is going to be one hour of people’s favourite youth group/youth camp/school camp games; at least the ones that fit in our building and are legal 😉 We’ll have a mix of high intensity and low intensity so there should be a good…
Sunday@6 in the Holidays
G’day parents, During the three Sundays of the school holidays we give our cooks a rest and take a break from 5pm dinners. However, on the last Sunday of the holidays (July 16) there will be some fun-times activities from 5-6pm. Classic games from youth group/camp. Pop it in your diary, more details to come. For the rest of the year we plan to do one big pre-service event each term as well as some post-service activities during holidays/long weekends.…
Update on 5pm Activities
G’day Parents, This week I have news on our 5pm activities which have been running before the Sunday@6 service each week. It’s possible this might get complicated so I’ll try and be extra clear by using the ancient art of formatting. 5pm Dinners WILL continue every fortnight. Here are the remaining dates for term two: 21/5, 4/6 & 18/6. The activities that were happening on the alternate weeks are going on a temporary PAUSE and will not be running for the remainder…
Youth Unite Tonight + Life Groups and Trivia
G’day Parents, I’ve posted about Youth Unite before but it’s on tonight so thought I’d mention it one last time. Life Groups. If you’ve registered for a group then it’s likely that you’ve heard from me or a leader already. If not, please drop me an email (kirk@stjohnsdc.org.au). Is it too late to join a group? Never! Just let us know you’re keen and we’ll see what we can do. Trivia! At 5pm on Sundays (school and public holidays excluded)…