Hey Parents,
Firstly, I just want to thank you for the warm welcome so far. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you better over time. It’s been somewhat of a rocky beginning, not even making it through my first week before I was thrown into isolation! The good news is I’ll be out shortly and in plenty of time for our first event for the term on Friday May 20th! We’ll be adventuring out to the aptly named trampoline centre, Bounce, in Heidelberg (formerly Latitude until last Friday… Great timing on the name change…).
Details are:
Friday 20th May, 6:00-9:00pm
Bounce Heidelberg 590 Waterdale road, Heidelberg West
Let us know if you’d like to carpool from St John’s or make your own way there. For those carpooling from St John’s we’ll be meeting in the church carpark at 5:30pm for a 5:40pm departure and arriving back at church at 9:30pm
Cost is $35 which includes dinner
Have a great week,