St John’s Kids & Families, 31 October 2021

St John’s Kids & Families, 31 October 2021

St John’s Kids Online

Our kids’ program is focussing on Genesis 12-50 this term, to learn more about some of the people we often find referenced in the New Testament, e.g. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, and how their stories point towards Jesus and help us learn more about God’s plans, promises and blessings.

How are you going with your task to read Genesis 12-50 (or age-appropriate story adaptations) as a family?

This week, we are looking at the birth of Isaac in Genesis 21, which fulfilled a promise God made to Abraham, and shows us that nothing is too difficult for God.

Sunday 31 October Zoom sessions:

9:00 – 9:25am Kinder/Prep/1/2

9:30 – 9:55am Grades 3/4/5/6

Join here. If prompted, Meeting ID: 827 1166 4563 / Passcode: SJKids

Note: If you join early, prepare to be in the ‘waiting room’ before being admitted.

We strive to create safe environments for children to come to know and experience the love of Jesus. Each online session will have two adult leaders and we encourage in-room parental supervision, particularly for younger children. If you would like the option of leaving your child(ren) unsupervised in our online sessions, you must complete a permission form, if you haven’t previously done so.


Services, Sunday 31 October

Join our livestream service at 10am or 5pm.

This week we start a three-part series Giving Thanks which will culminate in our Thanksgiving service.

The last two years have presented challenging circumstances for everyone. Focussing on the good that God is doing, draws us closer to him, and can give us a deep peace despite the difficulties we encounter.

If you would like to keep young hands busy while listening to the talk, these activity sheets are related to this week’s bible reading, Colossians 1:3-14, and theme of Giving Thanks:



Does Halloween originate from a Christian or a pagan festival?

Should Christian parents encourage or discourage participation in Halloween celebrations?

The history of Halloween is fascinating, but too lengthy for this post, so the short answers are: Probably both, and That depends.

As a parent, if you are questioning whether to encourage or discourage Halloween activities, ask yourself whether you can put God first in your plans. We are called to honour God in all that we do – that includes celebration and entertainment.

As a family, discuss what practices would honour God and nurture the faith of your family. Remember that we are to shine God’s light into this world, so how we present ourselves and interact with others is important.

If you decide to celebrate this event and are looking for ways to incorporate faith discussions with Halloween activities:

Parenting for Faith also has three podcast episodes focussing on ‘Making your mind up about Halloween’.

  • 119a is for parents with kids under 5
  • 119b is for parents with kids aged 5-11
  • 119c is for parents with pre-teens and teens

Whatever you decide …

Eat and drink and do everything else for the glory of God.

Don’t do anything that causes another person to trip and fall.

– 1 Cor 10:31-32

Have a great week,

Kylie – Children & Families’ Minister



St John’s is committed to Child Safety and welcomes your feedback on how we can keep improving.



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