St John’s Kids, 10 January 2021

St John’s Kids, 10 January 2021

Sunday 10 January:

Access our streamed services here.

This week’s reading and talk include one of my favourite miracles. We can fall into the trap of thinking that all of Jesus’ miracles were pretty much the same – conducted in public with one word or touch, to ease the pain of individuals, and to demonstrate Jesus’ power over nature, illness or even death.

But this time, Jesus leads a blind man away from his village and the miracle is conducted in two stages … Did he not get it right the first time? Or was he making a point to a specific audience? The disciples identify him as the Messiah but appear to have misconceptions about where his earthly mission would take him. Jesus demonstrated that it is possible to see, but still fail to see clearly and completely. Even now, we who have the benefit of knowing of Jesus’ death and resurrection, can be blind to or only partly comprehend God’s plans, but Jesus’ ongoing influence in our life enables us to see more clearly.

Parents, chat to your kids about a time that they might have seen or heard something but not fully understood what it meant at the time. And, pre-read Mark 8:22-33 in preparation for Kirk’s talk.

This clip covers most of this passage and does quite a good job of depicting the interim stage of healing, with people looking ‘like trees walking around’, for additional understanding for kids.

Activities, should you need them, to keep hands busy during the talk:


If you haven’t already, make sure you watch Kirk’s video announcement about our returning to in-person services from next week!


Have a great week!

Kylie – Children & Families’ Minister



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