Posts from May 2020

St John’s Kids – 31 May 2020

 SUNDAY 31 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Today is Pentecost – a celebration of the Holy Spirit descending upon the disciples and new believers in Jesus. Today’s passage reminds us that when we believe in Jesus, we also receive his gift of the Holy Spirit, and we become a new creation. We no longer live for ourselves, but for Christ. Join in with the actions today as we sing One Way and celebrate that Jesus is the one…

St John’s Kids – 24 May 2020

SUNDAY 24 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Sometimes our bodies do not work exactly how we would like them to. It may because of a broken arm after falling off the monkey bars, or because of sickness or a medical condition. And, as we grow older our bodies become frailer and more susceptible to breakage and disease. Last week’s passage reminded us that despite, or even because of, our weaknesses and flaws, God can use us to shine…

St John’s Kids – 17 May 2020

SUNDAY 17 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Sometimes we can feel too young, too old, too ordinary, not wise enough, or that we have made too many mistakes to be of use to God. This week’s passage, 2 Corinthians 4:1-18, shows us that God uses us as we are, and it is because of our imperfections that his power and glory can shine. Get your voice ready and a torch to shine for our kid’s song this week,…

ST JOHN’S KIDS – 10 MAY 2020

SUNDAY 10 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. In the bible, we see God shown as three different ‘persons’ – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. After Jesus died and rose again, he sent the Holy Spirit to live in all those who believe, so that we can have a relationship with God always. The Holy Spirit frees us from old laws and rituals and gives us new life in Christ. Because…

St John’s Kids – 03 May 2020

SUNDAY 3 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. In our reading this week, Paul focuses on the importance of forgiveness and that Christians smell 😮 The world is full of smells, both good and bad.  We smell stinky, yuk! to those who do not want to accept God and his way of life. But we smell sweetly to those who want to know more about God. To be a pleasing aroma to God, we need to follow the…