St John’s Kids – 23 August 2020

St John’s Kids – 23 August 2020

SUNDAY 23 August



From 5:30-6:00pm TODAY we will be having a social get-together and game, specifically aimed at young families from all of our services, but EVERYONE is welcome!

Kids, do you have a new tooth? Have you learnt to write your name, do cartwheels, or finished a series of books? Try to think of something that has changed, or that you have learnt or achieved, during lockdown that you can share with us.

Please note: Kids must be accompanied by at least one adult. However, if possible, we would love to see your whole family!

Join the Zoom meeting here.


Today’s service:

Access our streamed services here.

As we continue learning about The Spirit of Truth, we can rejoice that Jesus returned to the Father, sent the Holy Spirit to teach us, and gave us his peace for our troubled times.

Our kids’ song today, Rainbow, reminds us that God’s word is our greatest treasure and his promises are true. And it’s not a secret! It’s a truth we need to share.

Activities, if needed, to keep hands busy while listening to Kirk’s talk:


Family Devotion Time:

Before/After your service of choice, or at another time during the day/week that best suits your family, spend some time together exploring God’s word.

Read … Romans 8:17-23

In this world we have sickness, sadness, pain and death. But one day, God will give us a new body, and every aspect of the earth will be new and at peace.

This week’s video features two of our youth leaders from Going Bananas!

Watch …

Discuss …

  • What are some of the things we feel when we are unwell?
  • What are some of the things that make us sad?
  • What is the worst pain you have ever felt?
  • Will there be hospitals and doctors in God’s new heaven and earth? Why not?
  • What is your favourite animal? Is it one that could cause you pain? Is it one that could cause another animal pain? Or, is it one that is usually hunted by another animal?
  • Imagine a zoo. Animals are separated so that they cannot hurt each other (or us!). They are often kept in zoos so that we can learn about them, breed them, and save them from extinction. Will there be zoos in God’s new heaven and earth? Will we need to keep animals separated? Will animals be at risk of extinction?
  • We often think of animals hunting each other as the natural order of the world, but the bible teaches us that violence and death, even in the animal kingdom, are a result of sin in the world.
  • In what other ways is creation broken and groaning now? (Floods, Bushfires, Drought, Famine, Pollution …) Will those things happen in God’s new creation?

How does this apply to me …

  • Will you get to enjoy God’s new creation? Why?
  • God wants you to try to imagine his new creation and get excited!
  • So, what are you looking forward to most?

Remember …

  • In this world we have sickness, sadness, pain and death.
  • The good news is that one day all those things will go away.
  • God will give us a new body, free from sin, sickness, and pain.
  • All of creation will be made new again and live in peace.

Pray …

Thank God that one day there will be no more sickness, sadness, pain, or death. Talk to him about the things you identified as looking forward to most.


Family Devotion resource credit: Kidswise.


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