St John’s Kids – 28 June 2020

St John’s Kids – 28 June 2020


Today’s service:

Access our streamed services here.

Today, we have two Live Q&A services, with different panels at 9:30am and 6:00pm.

Kids (and adults), do you have a question about anything we have been learning this term? Or a general question about faith, the bible, or being friends with Jesus? Now is your time to have them answered!

Text your questions to 0490 453 293. (You do not have to wait for the service to begin to send your questions – send them as soon as you like.)

To keep hands busy while listening to the Q&A session:


Family Devotion Time:

Previously, we looked at how Christians are called to live in the world, but not of the world – living differently as Salt of the Earth and Light of the World.

This week, we continue to look at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount teachings, and the importance of our thoughts, words and being able to resolve conflicts.

Breaking News! A puppet has been accused of murder just for saying he hated his brother! Watch …


  • What were some of the things the accused man said to his brother?
  • Why did Sergeant Smith say this man was accused of murder?
  • How did the accused man resolve the conflict with his brother?
  • When do you find it hard to show love and forgiveness to others?
  • How can we show love and forgiveness to each other?

Read and dig deeper with QuizWorx family devotions.

For your convenience, the Memory Verse video (print copy here) and bonus Montague McBrain video mentioned in the Digging Deeper Devotions are below:

Have fun with some of these extra Craft & Games Ideas.

Pray together …

  • Thank God for the example Jesus set for how we are to live.
  • Say sorry for the times our thoughts and words cause hurt and conflict.
  • Ask for the Holy Spirit to soften our hearts and help us live differently to the world around us by showing love and forgiveness to others.




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